1. Sweet Jesus, where are you? And in what places do you live, sweet Jesus /: I have found out in the Scriptures For you are king in heaven Oh, my Lord :/ 2. Help me to be able to follow you To escape this evil world To come to you /: How happy I would feel To be with you in eternity, sweet Jesus :/ 3. For I have hated myself on this earth On which often crying On the hard road /: Where could I meet You My trouble to tell You Which weighs me down :/ 4. You are there in the holy sky And you look over the whole earth To whom is calling You /: You let yourself be easily discovered By whose hearts you are desired, sweet Jesus :/ 5. I am still looking for you, groping I look at the path to holy heaven And I would like you to come /: Only you are my hope Help me to be able to follow you Until eternity :/ 6. I have no lips to thank You For the heavenly Holy Spirit That You gave me /: When the trumpet will sound The Holy Spirit will lift me To the holy sky :/ 7. Since you came my way And since you saved me, sweet Jesus /: You have remained in my heart And I always want You Take me to You :/ 8. Country that I look at With great longing and love I wait To get home /: For after You, dear shepherd My heart burns with longing, sweet Jesus :/