External keynote at the DSAG annual congress on October 16, 2014 in Leipzig: Nothing is certain! Markets are collapsing, customers are leaving, top performers are being poached. Leadership today is leadership in uncertainty! Planning the unplannable, distinguishing the undecidable, analyzing imponderables, dealing with the incalculable... Managing the unexpected, the unforeseen, the uncertain - are we living in the wrong times? No, we are facing reality. It has always been like this. But nowadays it is faster, bigger and more powerful: "Business is war," goes a Japanese proverb, and sometimes it feels that way. Profiler Suzanne Grieger-Langer will give you tried and tested strategies from the intelligence services for crisis, change and disaster management for leading in extreme situations. Throw outdated mainstream strategies overboard and find security in yourself and your abilities. This guarantees survival in risky markets and the conquest of new territory. Emerge from change as a winner! Learn from the FBI, BND and MI6 for your everyday management work: Find out from the operational instructor Suzanne Grieger-Langer what is vital and therefore right for you, your company and your career. Suzanne Grieger-Langer is a profiler. Identifying personal potential and detecting fraud are her daily business. The specialist in strengthening personalities has been instructing agents and decision-makers in business and science for over twenty years. She is a lecturer and tutor at the most renowned business schools in Europe. There she teaches evolutionary and revolutionary leadership, fraud prevention and profiling for the economics and governance faculties. She developed the "Certified Profiler" course for the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. The Formula Infiltration she developed is considered a milestone in fraud detection. With her international team of profilers, she is able to create character profiles at the level of the psychogenetic code. With this breadth and depth of expertise, she is Europe’s undisputed profiling expert!