The opening day stage greeting for the film "Voltes V Legacy," a live-action adaptation of the popular robot anime "Voltes V" made in the Philippines, was held in Tokyo on the 18th, with voice actors Kobayashi Chiaki, Kaneshiro Yamato, Hanakura Kido, Koichi Makoto, Nakajima Megumi, and Suwabe Junichi in attendance. Director Mark A. Reyes also made a surprise appearance in the audience, saying, "It's an honor to see the theater completely filled to capacity. Thank you very much," and was met with thunderous applause from the audience after the screening. [Related Videos] ◆ [Uncut] "Voltes V" becomes a live-action film after 42 years! Kobayashi Chiaki, Suwabe Junichi, Nakajima Megumi and other voice actors talk about their love for the work • "Voltes V" becomes a live-action film after 42 years! Kobayashi Chiaki, Suwabe Junichi, Nakajima Megumi and others are dubbed... ◆ Miyano Mamoru & Morikawa Toshiyuki burst into laughter at the dubbed footage of Suwabe Junichi, who does not appear in the main film • Miyano Mamoru & Morikawa Toshiyuki burst into laughter at the dubbed footage of Suwabe Junichi, who does not appear in the main film, saying, "It's so... ◆ Kajiwara Gakuto, Suwabe Junichi, Murase Ayumu, Matsuda Kenichiro and Takahashi Minami show off their characters through voice-overs! • Kajiwara Gakuto, Suwabe Junichi, Murase Ayumu, Matsuda Kenichiro and Takahashi Minami show off their characters through voice-overs! ... #SuwabeJunichi #VoltesV #VoltesVLegacy