Suvorov's Finland A five-part short documentary series about the fortresses and military canals built in the 1790s for the defense of St. Petersburg under the leadership of Aleksandr Suvorov. History researchers Tapio Bergholm and Jyrki Paaskoski lead us to Suvorov's route. The episodes of the series are independent videos, but the whole forms a picture of how today's familiar tourist attractions in Southeastern Finland are connected to the same big story. Suvorov's Finland 1/5; Punkaharju and Olavinlinna Tapio Bergholm and Jyrki Paaskoski's guest on Punkaharju's old ridge road is professor emeritus Timo Vihavainen, with whom they discuss Aleksandr Suvorov. Who was this invincible warlord who is still a great hero in Russia? The tour along Suvorov's route starts from Olavinlinna, which got its current appearance during the renovations carried out under Suvorov's leadership. Suvorov's smallest canal can also be found in the castle yard. The episode discusses life in the border region between Sweden and Russia, in "Old Finland" at the end of the 18th century. Where is the border between Old Finland and New Finland? Subtitles can be selected on YouTube: Finnish, English, Russian Stock photos and drawings and background maps of the National Land Survey published under a Creative Commons license or with the permission of the owner of the photos. Sources are mentioned in the end texts of the episodes. Jyrki Paaskoski is a docent of Finnish and Russian history at the universities of Helsinki and Eastern Finland. Tapio Bergholm is a docent of Finnish and Scandinavian history in Helsinki and a docent of Finnish history at the universities of Eastern Finland. Suvorov's Suomi series was produced by Websteri Media Oy/Pekka Kaipainen. Commissioned by South Karelia recreation area foundation/Suvorov project, financed by the Southeast Finland – Russia CBC program.