There are many certificates around the world, some specific to certain countries, and others multinational. Among others, there are certificates that focus on the environmental part of projects, such as #BREEAM, #LEED or #VERDE, to name some of the most used, those that focus on the health and well-being of their occupants such as #WELL and those that focus on large housing portfolios such as #GRESB. In general, they tend to have a very similar operating basis, a scoring system that evaluates different aspects of the project's sustainability, and the more points you get above a minimum, the higher the level of certification. To go into a little detail on how water is treated in these certificates, we will look at an example of one of the best known and most used currently in Spain, which is the BREEAM certificate. Specifically, the BREEAM ES Housing 2020. References #BRREAM https://breeam.es/ Sustainable construction: BREEAM Certificate and water http://www.hidrologiasostenible.com/c... #LEED https://www.usgbc.org/leed Sustainable construction: LEED Certificate and water http://www.hidrologiasostenible.com/c... #VERDE https://gbce.es/certificacion-verde/ Sustainable construction: VERDE Certificate and water http://www.hidrologiasostenible.com/c... #WELL https://wellservices.itg.es/certifica... Sustainable construction: WELL Certificate and water http://www.hidrologiasostenible.com/c... #GRESB https://gresb.com/nl-en/ Sustainable construction: GRESB and water http://www.hidrologiasostenible.com/c... Contact: Web www.hidrologiasostenible.com Twitter / hidrosostenible LinkedIn / luismm Videos of this course: #0 Introduction • Sustainable water use course in the urban water cycle... #1 The urban water cycle from a bird's eye view • Sustainable water use course in the urban water cycle... #2 The future that awaits us • Sustainable water use course in the urban water cycle... #3 Taps, showers and other gadgets • Sustainable water use course in the urban water cycle... #4 Recovering rainwater • Sustainable water use course in the urban water cycle... #5 Wastewater, from waste to resource • Sustainable water use course in the urban water cycle... #6 Green areas, the great forgotten • Sustainable water use course in the urban water cycle... #7 Pools, ponds and fountains • Sustainable water use course in the urban water cycle... #8 Understanding water rates • Sustainable water use course in the urban water cycle... #9 Mathematical models, beyond Excel • Sustainable water use course in the urban water cycle... #10 Control and monitoring • Sustainable water use course in the urban water cycle... 11 What are Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDs) • Sustainable water use course in the urban water cycle... #12 Sustainability certificates, a example with BREEAM • Sustainable water use course in the... #13 Awareness, the driving force. • Sustainable water use course in the...