Dear children, valuable parents, in this video that we made with 5 different readings and modes, instead of repeating the same readings, you will be able to memorize Surah Fatiha by watching your favorite reading again. #fatihasuresi #fatihasuresierkek Surah Fatiha meaning is also in the video. With this video, memorizing Fatiha will be very easy because it is done with love. learning fatiha for kids. Surah Fatiha, also known as the elham surah, is one of the most important surahs of the Quran and an indispensable part of prayer. Because Fatiha is recited in every rakat. Memorizing Fatiha is important because there is no prayer without Fatiha. We also supported it with Turkish letters. for english :fatiha surah,Learn surah al fatiha ,for kids,surah for kids, Recitation of Fatiha surah in Turkish letters: Elhamdulillahi rabbil alemîn, Errahmanirrahim. Maliki yewmüddiyn. Iyyake na'büdü and iyyake nestaiyn. İhdinessıratal mustagiym. Sıratalleziyne enamte aleyhim ğayril mağduubi aleyhim veleddalliyn.