Surah Al-Kahf Tafsir 9 The Story of Moses (as) and Khidr (as) Halis Hoca (Abu Hanzala) Surah Al-Kahf Tafsir verses 60-65 In order to be updated about our special posts that we do not publish on our other social media accounts, you can subscribe to our WhatsApp line by clicking the link; https://bit.ly/2xHiHzN It is narrated that Khidr (as) was a prophet and that he was given 3 attributes from Allah. It is also narrated that the knowledge of the unseen is given only to those prophets who are pleased with Allah. Verses read in Lesson 9 of Surah Al-Kahf Tafsir 60 . (Remember!) And recall when Moses said to the young man with him, “I will go on without stopping until I reach the meeting place of the two seas, and I will spend a long time on this path/fortune.” 61 . When they reached the meeting place of the two seas, they forgot their fish, and the fish took a path in the sea and went away. 62 . When they passed (the meeting point of the two seas), he said to the young man, “Bring us our food. And indeed, we are very tired from our journey.” 63. He said, “Do you remember when we took refuge in the rock? There I forgot the fish. Only Satan made me forget it. It took to the sea in a strange way and escaped.” 64. He said, “This is exactly what we were looking for!” The two of them returned, following their footsteps. 65. They found one of Our servants, to whom We had bestowed mercy from Us and taught him knowledge from Us. IMPORTANT SECTIONS 00:00 The Two Fundamentals of Islam 10:55 Who is Joshua ibn Nun (as)? 14:22 Being a man of a cause 19:53 Determination, reaching the goal 23:58 A refutation from Imam Qurtubi to the ignorant Sufis 25:32 Prophets are humans. 30:45 Forgetfulness is from the devil. 38:10 Khidr (as) is a prophet. Knowledge of the unseen is from Allah. 45:07 Why do the heretics and Sufis say that Khidr (as) is a saint? 47:45 The refutation (fathu'l bari) given by Hafiz ibn Hajar to the Sufis and atheists 54:07 Examples of perversions in Sufi beliefs from the books of the Sufis 01:08:10 The prayer of our Master Halis (Abu Hanzala) at the end of his tafsir class From the Darkness of Unbelief to the Light of Revelation… To Support Our Channel; https://bit.ly/2MCiNmM For the Tevhid Lessons Channel; https://bit.ly/2K8UdYy For the Tevhid Interpretation: https://tevhidmeali.com/ To Watch All Videos; https://tevhiddersleri.org/ To Access Our Magazines and Books: http://tevhiddergisi.org/ Contact: +90 535 766 45 45 You can ask your religious questions via the e-mail address [email protected]. #KehfSurah #Tefsir #Quran