22.XII.2024 The Alto Garda Park never ceases to reveal incredible surprises. Although I have traveled far and wide with the MTB I must say that even on foot it is fantastic. The Senter dele Greste is a challenging trail but it offers spectacular views of the lake and the town of Limone. It starts near the large parking lot next to the Europa hotel which is free for the entire winter period. It immediately climbs with a notable slope. Some passages are made easier by the presence of the steel cord. After 1000m of positive difference in altitude you reach Cima Mughera overlooking the lake. We decided to extend the return by adding the wild and little-known Cima Mois, reachable with a 200m+ uphill detour from the Guil pass. Along the route it is possible to observe a long trench from the Great War with a shelter point for the 5th Alpine battalion. The return includes passing by Baita Segala on an easy path up to Limone Sul Garda. In total there are 1350m of altitude difference for about 12.5km GPS track Wikiloc and Komoot: Check out this route from @Wikiloc! https://it.wikiloc.com/percorsi-escur... (Cima di Mughera, Cima Mois from Limone sul Garda (Sentèr dele Greste)) KOMOOT: https://www.komoot.com/it-IT/tour/198...