MY COMPLETE SINGING COURSE ➜ https://euvou.cantarbem.com.br/pp_You... How to sing with support or sing using support in your voice Have you ever heard of Singing with Support or are you wondering how to support yourself when singing and have no idea what it is? I know everyone has different ideas, but today we are going to put an end to this confusion. First, let's separate things. Sometimes we confuse support training with breathing training, and that's normal because they are two things that are related, but in general. When you are training your breathing, the focus is on correcting incorrect breathing patterns and improving the use of your lung capacity. BREATHING CLASS ▶ • Breathing Exercises for Singing... I made a complete video about breathing. The link is on the card and in the description of this video here. Now, when it comes to Support, what changes? When we talk about support, we are talking about controlling subglottic pressure. The pressure that the air exerts on our vocal folds in each type of sound, note and adjustment that we sing. I won't waste your time here explaining how support was explained and understood incorrectly in the past. The focus is to use our time on what will bring results, but in a very general way. In the past, teachers taught that singing with support meant singing by putting pressure on forces and muscles that don't even participate in the exhalation process. There were even teachers who taught that you had to sing by putting pressure downwards as if you were in the bathroom. Thank goodness that has changed. Today we understand better that in order to effectively control this pressure, which is support, we need to train some muscle movements so that they become natural for us when we are singing. You have already seen some of these movements in my breathing video, but the difference is that here we will have to control this pressure and now the vocal folds are involved, so do these exercises lightly. Exercise 1 - Training the Seesaw Exercise 2 - Applying the Seesaw in siren Exercise 3 - Long Notes ???? Useful Links Microphones that I recommend ➔ https://amzn.to/4cYhVjd Books that I recommend ➔ https://amzn.to/3TkiUDk Equipment that I use ➔ https://amzn.to/3OgxF7K