On June 2, the Plastic Attack association carried out one of its famous actions in several cities around the world: come as a group to do your shopping, go to the checkout and get rid of all the packaging at the entrance to the supermarket to denounce over-packaging, a scourge for the planet when 90% of plastic is never recycled! These shock operations are emblematic of a fundamental change: today, more and more brands and supermarkets offer plastic-free packaging and bulk purchases. So, is it possible to buy in bulk to avoid packaging? **** Plastic: the overdose! **** The full story: • Video **** Plastic particles in bottled water? **** • Plastic particles in bottled water... Tout Compte Fait, presented by Julian Bugier every Saturday at 2:00 p.m. on France 2, takes you behind the scenes of a changing world. MORE INFO https://www.france2.fr/toutcomptefait FOLLOW US / tcf_f2 / toutcomptefait REACT Hashtag #TCF