Today we visit Huarte, a town that was founded in 1090, although its Atea mill was already mentioned in 986. In this program we talk to Tito Arístregui, one of the members of the Gaiteros de Huarte, a musical group that has more than 30 years of history. We will also tour the town with the historian Julio Urdín; we will talk to José Urdín, an artist known as the sculptor of trees and whose works are exhibited in the Mokarte park; with Jabi Landa, a graffiti artist and designer who is also the coordinator of the International Festival “Cantamañanas”; and with the farmer Miguel Ángel Ahechu, who tells us how in Huarte years ago onions were grown that were exported to France. We will also talk to other super-neighbors of the town such as Luchi Navarro, a woman who runs Casa Navarro where, since 1840, hundreds of people have been accommodated. Also starring in the programme are Gabriel Martiarena, who was a barber and Justice of the Peace in Huarte for 27 years, and the former Osasuna captain, Patxi Puñal.