Recipe for gluten-free pasta frola, madam sir. Yes, you are going to learn how to make the classic Pasta Frola but in its gluten-free version suitable for celiacs. Hello! Today I show you how to make an easy gluten-free PASTA FROLA with few ingredients and in simple steps. Subscribe to the channel to see more videos: https://goo.gl/zMvRUD One of our favorite gluten-free sweet recipes is Pasta Frola (or Pastafrola... we read that there are people who write its name both ways). It is a very typical dessert from Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, and it is an incredibly rich sweet cake. We have already shared several Pasta Frola recipes for celiacs on our channel, but this one is the result of years of practice and improvement, so it is the one we make every time we want to eat something delicious with some mates. In addition to being very easy to make (it cooks in just 20 minutes), the result of this gluten-free Pasta Frola recipe is incredible: the dough melts in your mouth, it has just the right amount of sweetness and you can make it with the filling you like best: quince jam like ours, sweet potato jam or even dulce de leche or some homemade jam. This gluten-free Pasta Frola is ideal to accompany all kinds of infusions, and even to enjoy as a dessert or give as a gift on a birthday or special occasion. The important thing is that you dare to try the recipe and above all that you enjoy it. If you want to know how you can make a lactose-free pastafrola, we also have the recipe on our channel for you to look for and put into practice. Did you like the recipe? Leave a comment and tell us how you would improve these gluten-free coconuts suitable for celiacs or how you make them at home. Don't forget that I WILL ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS (that are not explained in the video) up to 48 hours after the video is uploaded. After that, it is impossible for me to do so. I hope you understand me and that this video is useful to you. Subscribe to the channel to see more videos: https://goo.gl/zMvRUD ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INGREDIENTS (all must be gluten-free, TACC-free) 100 gr of butter 100 gr of sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence 200 gr of premix 1 teaspoon of baking powder Quince jam to taste YIELD FOR: 1 Pasta Frola of 22 cm PREPARATION TIME: 20 min COOKING TIME: 20 minutes in a medium oven (180 ° C) FULL RECIPE: https://www.soyceliaconoextraterrestr... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Soy Celíaco, No Extraterrestre there are easy and economical gluten-free recipes, information and experiences about celiac disease. We are Alejandra and Gabriel and we are here to show you that cooking gluten-free is very easy. Our mission is to enable people to make delicious gluten-free meals at home, without being experts in the kitchen (like us). We share recipes for easy-to-make and inexpensive gluten-free meals. Also experiences and secrets to live a full life without consuming gluten. ???????????? We upload videos every week. Share this adventure with us! SUBSCRIBE to our channel for more videos like this: https://www.youtube.com/soyceliaconoe... TIK TOK: / soyceliaconoet INSTAGRAM: / soyceliaconoextraterrestre PINTEREST: / soyceliaconoet FACEBOOK: / soyceliaconoextraterrestre TWITTER: / soyceliaconoet WEBSITE: https://www.soyceliaconoextraterrestr... #sinTACC #singluten #soyceliaconoextraterrestre #glutenfree #celiacos #pastafrola