This is the 11th lesson of the fourth quarter of 2024 of the CPAD Bible lessons magazine. Welcome to the Marcas do Evangelho Assembly of God channel! Our classes are broadcast one week in advance. Feel free to follow along live with us and also use them as a resource for your classes. We have 10 online classes, with classes starting with children up to 2 years old, going through teenagers, young people and adults. Adults Young Adults Teens Pre-Teens Juniors Elementary Kindergarten Nursery See the schedules for each class here: https://bit.ly/classesADME _____ SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/YoutubeADME_ _____ CONTRIBUTE WITH YOUR TITHES, OFFERINGS AND VOTES: → CAIXA ECONÔMICA Bank Code 104 Branch: 0590 Operation.003 Checking Account: 4755-8 → SICOOB Bank Code 756 Branch: 3010 Checking account: 58476-2 Church CNPJ: 21.044.254/0001-81 → PicPay: marcasdoevangelho Link: https://app.picpay.com/payment?type=s... → PIX Key: [email protected] → Votes for the new property - PIX: [email protected] _____ CHECK OUT THE LINK BELOW HOW TO PURCHASE THE McCHEYNE DEVOTIONAL BIBLE http://marcasdoevangelho.com.br/leitu... _ DOWNLOAD THE PRAYER BOOKLET Prayer booklet for adults: https://bit.ly/24aJornada Prayer booklet for children: https://bit.ly/oracaokids24 _____ VISIT OUR WEBSITE: https://www.marcasdoevangelho.com.br _ FOLLOW OUR INSTAGRAM: / marcasdoevangelho _ LIKE OUR PAGE ON FACEBOOK: / marcasdoevangelho _ FOLLOW US ON SPOTIFY: https://bit.ly/spotifyadme _____ We are the Assembly of God Marcas do Evangelho (ADME). We value devotional Bible reading and have a Bible specially edited for our daily devotional practice, the Robert McCheyne Bible. We value the pious practice of prayer and fasting. You are welcome to participate in our programs and be part of our family. We are located at Av. Expedito Garcia, 240, Campo Grande, Cariacica-ES (formerly Ducouro) Next to the INSS ______ God bless each brother and sister, from all ministries, who have contributed in some way to this work. #MarcasDoEvangelho #LeituraDevocional #PrayerFasting #AssembleiaDeDeusOnline