???? EXPLORE THE UNIQUE ENERGY OF GAÚCHA MUSIC IN OUR EXCLUSIVE PLAYLIST: • BEST GAÚCHA SONGS: TOP 22 CLASSICS... ???? DO YOU DREAM OF HAVING YOUR VIDEO PLAYING AND/OR SINGING PUBLISHED ON OUR CHANNEL? THEN, CONNECT WITH US ON WHATSAPP TO BE PART OF THIS MUSICAL COMMUNITY: +55 (51) 99955-9587. ???? FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: INSTAGRAM: / asmelhorescancoesgauchas TIK TOK: / asmelhorescancoesgauchas SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/user/usadisc... ???? CHECK OUT THE LYRICS OF THE SONG YOU LIKE: On a saddled horse In front of the ranch The silver preparation Shined in the sun With a flower on the breastplate The meeting of the Moor Brings in gold threads A country boy in the distance The reserved pilcha For a break from work And an old cap Thrown back The fandangue boot Goes with the peçuelos So as not to sweat on the horse At a trot at the most The reserved pilcha For a break from work And an old cap Thrown back The fandangue boot Goes with the peçuelos So as not to sweat on the horse At a trot at the most With a very Sunday manner A Moorish man on the road Takes the A country boy on the road Takes a country boy's print For the affection of his beloved With a very Sunday manner A country boy on the road Takes a country boy's print For the affection of his beloved With a very Sunday manner A country boy on the road Takes a country boy's print For the affection of his beloved A cucharra pealo My destiny stopped Like a mischievous colt Next to the tamer And the Sunday anxieties Dismounted from the pingo On a small ranch in the frontier Filled with love The pingo of trust Grazing the arrow The harness of the encilha Inside the shed The country boy's dream Extending the low bar To pump lights In this immensity The pingo of trust Grazing the arrow The harness of the encilha Inside the shed The country boy's dream Extending the low bar To pump lights In this immensity With a very Sunday manner A country boy on the road Takes a country boy's print For the affection of his beloved With a very Sunday manner A Moorish man on the road Takes the country print For the affection of his beloved With a very Sunday manner A Moorish man on the road Takes the country print For the affection of his beloved With a very Sunday manner A Moorish man on the road Takes the country print For the affection of his beloved For the affection of his beloved COMPOSERS/LYRICS: JULIANO GOMES - JOCA MARTINS - EDUARDO SOARES ???? SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL TO FOLLOW THE LATEST NEWS. #riograndedosul #GauchoMusic #FarroupilhaWeek #TheBestGauchoSongs #AlmadoRioGrandeCandieiroCDBailãoGaúcho #GauchoMusic #GauchoMusic #The100MostPlayedGauchoSongs #MusicFromTheSouth #TraditionalMusic #The20BestGauchoSongs #MostPlayedGaucho #NativistMusic #TraditionalGauchoMusic #MostPlayedGauchoMusic #dominguero #jocamartins #luizmarenco #joseclaudiomachado #adairdefreitas #danteramonledesma #milonga