It was a long day yesterday, Sunday 14 January, which in some way entered the history of Pescia and the province of Pistoia. The day in which the Bishop of Pistoia, Monsignor Fausto Tardelli, also took office in the Diocese of Pescia in persona Episcopi, or in the person of the Bishop, and in fact becoming pastor of the two Dioceses simultaneously. A day that began in Monsummano Terme with the arrival, on foot together with the mayor Simona de caro and other members of the council, at the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Fontenuova, patron saint of the Diocese of Pescia. Here the new Bishop was welcomed by the children of the catechism and by many faithful. The episcopal coat of arms chosen by Monsignor Tardelli as a manifesto of his apostolic mission was also unveiled. After the Angelus prayer together with the faithful, Monsignor Tardelli went to Pescia to the Cosma and Damiano hospital for a visit and to greet the doctors and nurses. He also stopped to talk with some relatives hospitalized in the emergency room, among them the father of a girl who was a victim of the tragic events at the former convent of Giaccherino. After lunch, the actual inauguration ceremony began. Tardelli was welcomed by the 4 districts of the city who symbolically handed him the keys to the city, he received greetings from the prefect Donatella Messina, the Governor of Tuscany Eugenio Giani and the Mayor of Pescia Riccardo Franchi .. after which he walked through Porta Fiorentina. At 4:30 pm he entered the cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta where he celebrated mass. "I come to you on tiptoe, respectful and in admiration of the glorious history of the Church of Pescia and of how much it still bears witness to today with its vivacity and its richness of Christian life". These were his words in the homily that marked the beginning of his episcopal ministry