Directly above Klášterec nad Ohří rises the youngest volcano of the Doupovské Mountains - Šumná. It is home to a castle known as Šumburk and is only 20 million years old. The Šumná volcano grew at the foot of the Doupovské Mountains, where it covered the deposits of massive lahars. These had previously crashed here from the slopes of older volcanoes of the Doupovské Mountains. Šumná had relatively peaceful eruptions, classified as Strombolian. At the end of the activity, a lava flow flowed from its crater. Despite its age, Šumná is incredibly well preserved and at the top, inside the castle, the remains of the original crater are still visible today. © Czech Geological Survey Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/user/Geologyc... Join us! Facebook / svetgeologie Instagram / svetgeologie E-shop Czech Geological Services https://obchod.geology.cz/ World of geology, portal about inanimate nature http://www.geology.cz/svet-geologie