Today's topic is! [Hello! It's Mochizuki Rin! Today, I will be explaining "The Equation of Luck: A Scientific Method to Attract Opportunities and Link Them to Results" written by Suzuki Yu, a science writer who has written a number of bestselling books. In a nutshell, this book teaches you "how to seize luck scientifically." "How to seize luck"? Ah, recent research has led to the widespread idea that "our success is determined in large part by luck." Luck, eh? Luck here refers to things like the country you were born in, your parents' educational background, looks, natural intelligence, and genetics. ...】 【Summary】The Equation of Luck: A scientific method to attract opportunities and connect them to results【Suzuki Yu】 References: The Equation of Luck: A scientific method to attract opportunities and connect them to results Suzuki Yu Purchase → https://amzn.to/3A2iyXW Paleo Man: https://yuchrszk.blogspot.com/ ・Please tell us the book you would like us to introduce on our channel https://forms.gle/z4bVCxCq14gbqG198 Illustrator: Nakamori Kemurismoke Illustrator: comaco Screenplay: Nagato Ryo @denran1031 #BookSummary #TheEquation ofLuck #SuzukiYu0:00 Introduction/Life is largely about luck2:16 The equation for seizing luck7:18 If you want to increase your amount of action, gather information and be curious11:04 When you can't take action, try acting like a person with high action13:52 Know that people who have had a variety of experiences, not just one, will win in the end15:49 Successful people notice the small changes that happen around them18:46 They see failure as data that can be used next time21:13 When they find a method that works, they focus on that one thing23:11 When they start to lose momentum, they try different things and start a different game24:43 Summary26:26 END