SUMIFS in Excel with Multiple Conditions: how to work with AND or OR cases Excel Straight to the Point Course: https://excelgenial.com.br/excel-dire... - - The SUMIFS function is one of the most important in Excel. It allows us to sum a range of data, as long as other data series meet certain conditions. If you are already familiar with Pivot Tables, it is as if there were a way to use the sum and filter of this type of table via formulas. An additional step in the function that generates doubt is how to use multiple conditions. This video is here to solve this problem. In it, I teach you, in addition to the basics of the SUMIFS function, more advanced content: how to use AND criteria (when more than one condition must occur at the same time for us to add the value) or OR (when one or the other criterion must occur for us to add the value). Additionally, I teach you how to create a FROM-TO table, which will greatly help our productivity! Did you like it? Then follow me on Instagram, subscribe to the channel and share this cool content with other people! - - For more content: Instagram: / excelgenial Website: https://excelgenial.com.br Blog: https://excelgenial.com.br/blog/ Facebook: / excelgenial Free Course: https://excelgenial.com.br/curso-gratis/ Free Shortcuts E-book: https://excelgenial.com.br/ebook-atal... #sums #excelcourse #freeexcel #excelfunction #sexceltips #sexceltrucks