Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel GALBANDI SAMAJ to listen and watch interesting folk and duet songs in the live market. Also, don't forget to like and share all the new and old videos on this channel. ➤Producer : Sajan Kunwar(Nirajan) @Galbandirodhighar == Mayale Maryo ➤ Singer – Purushottam Neupane Sharmila Gurung ➤ Music – Juju Gurung =================================================== Live Dohori Male Vocal : Suman Pariyar Female vocal : Nirjala Gurung Supporter male singers : ............ & ....... Supporter female singers : ........... & ......... ======================================================= ➤ Musician : ♫ Madal : Pradip Adhikari /Chandra Khadka ♫ Basauri : Purna Thapa Magar ♫ Octapad : Suman Nepaal ♫ Dholak : Chandra Magar ???? Keyboard : Angat Karki =================================================== ➤ Camera : Prem Aryal ================================================== ♬ Editor Graphic : Sajan Kunwaar (9851089685) @Galbandirodhighar ================================================= ♬ Audio Mixing/Recording : Prem Aryal =================================================== Recording Studio : Galbandi Rodhi Ghar Samakhusi Kathmandu (9851089685) @GalbandiSamaj =================================================== #sumanpariyar #nirjalagurung #newlivedohori2024 #newsong2024 #mayalemaryo #galbandirodhighar #newnepalisong #lokdohorisong2081 #newlokgeet #lokgeet #lokdohori2081 #newsong #nepalisong #newnepalimusicvideo #newmusic #bhale #newteejsong2024 #newmusicvideo #tradingsong #tiharsong #newnepaliteadingsong #livedohori #nepalisong #galbandisamaj #sumanpariyarvsnirjalagurung -------- Don't forget to subscribe to our channel to watch such interesting videos.... If you find any songs, music and videos on the channel copied, downloaded and uploaded to other channels, strictest action will be taken according to the prevailing law. And the channel will be closed.