The main character in the book is Suleimen, a real person in life. If he had not acquired the unpleasant nickname of a robber - a robber - for some reason, all his actions and thoughts consist of mourning the loss of the country and people, taking care of the poor, taking revenge on the stingy, hating the oppressor, and fighting against the tyrant. Having never found peace of mind throughout his life, he fell far short of both the Reds who came to power in 1917 and the mountain rebels who fought against them. Suleimen, who believed that he was free from everything except God, had a very complicated life. The book in your hands describes that complicated life in an interesting and attractive language. The book is intended for all readers. This book by Mombek Abdakimuly is more interesting than the 5:32 series. audiobooks Kazakh stories audio book with a storyline Kazakh Suleimen the Pirate Suleimen the Pirate audio anime Kazakh stories interesting stories collection of stories life twists