"Sukimega Radio" is a radio show based on the TV anime "The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses"! The personalities are Masahiro Ito, who plays Komura Kaede, and Shion Wakayama, who plays Mie Ai! This week's guest is Aya Uchida, who plays Kawado Asuka! Please send your letters here! https://anime.shochiku.co.jp/sukimega... <Corner Introduction> 👓The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses. But I didn't forget my thoughts. Every week, we introduce your thoughts on the latest anime episode! You can also send emails related to "Sukimega" here! 👓Stories about glasses We are looking for stories about glasses on various themes every week, such as buying, breaking, losing, having a lot of glasses, and good stories about glasses. 👓One thing you want to say with glassesOne thing that a character wearing glasses might say. We introduce one thing you would like to say while wearing glasses. 👓What is that in front of me? Wakayama will give a commentary with something placed in front of him (just 1 cm away). Can Ito, who is listening to the commentary with his eyes closed, guess what it is? Director/Composition: Nagata Hiroshi The TV anime "My Suki na Ko ga Forgot Her Glasses" is currently airing on TOKYO MX every Tuesday from 11pm starting July 4th! It will also be available on U-NEXT, ABEMA, d Anime Store and other streaming services starting July 4th! <Blu-ray> All three volumes of "My Suki na Ko ga Forgot Her Glasses" Blu-ray are now available for pre-order! For more details, please visit the URL below! https://anime.shochiku.co.jp/sukimega... <CAST> Komura Kaede as Ito Masahiro Mie Ai as Wakayama Shion Kawato Asuka as Uchida Aya Toyama Maho as Suzuki Minori Azuma Ren as Kimura Ryohei Yasaka Tomo as Kobayashi Yusuke Someya Narumi as Shimoji Murasakino Hibuchi Yuika as Miyashita Saki Tokita as Tone Kentaro <STAFF> Original story: Fujichika Koume (published in the monthly "Gangan Joker" published by Square Enix) General director: Kudo Susumu Director: Yokomine Katsumasa Scriptwriter: Yanagi Tamazou Concept art: Suzuki Shingo Character design: Uchida Takayuki General animation directors: Tani Keiji, Furuta Makoto, Uchida Takayuki Main animator: Hiroshi Okubo Sound production: Glowvision Sound director: Hisashi Muramatsu Music production: Flying Dog Music: Jimmy Sam P Animation production: GoHands Production: The Production Committee Forgot My Glasses Opening theme song: Tsuzuru "NAME" (Composition and arrangement: Shota Horie Lyrics: DECO*27) Ending theme song: Special unit Masayoshi Forgot His Glasses (Komura-kun, Mie-san and Masayoshi Oishi) "Megane-go-round" Official website https://anime.shochiku.co.jp/sukimega/ Official Twitter / sukimega (recommended hashtag #sukimega) ©Koume Fujichika/SQUARE ENIX・The Production Committee Forgot My Glasses#The Favorite Girl Forgot My Glasses #sukimega #2023anime #2023summeranime #MasahiroIto #ShionWakayama #Tsuzuru #ShotaHorie #DECO27 #MasayoshiOishi #SukimegaRadio #megaradio