A vlog about the days leading up to my birthday, during my birthday, what happened during the auction of my painting, and after, etc. Well, Russian people are like that... I have no words. I can't believe it, my parents can't either! ???? Don't forget to comment, like and subscribe to the channel (click the bell for notifications ????) or share the video with your friends - all this helps to develop the channel and inspires me to publish more :) WAY TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: I will be very glad if you support me with a donation ???? ???? Alfa Bank card: 2200-1523-3242-2438 Mary Jane Cruz B. ???? https://www.donationalerts.com/r/mary... ???? For important questions, suggestions, and advertising, write here: [email protected] Where to meet a Filipina: https://mjfilippinka.page.link/phdating -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ⭐️ you can find me here: https://vk.com/maryjanefilippinka / maryjanefilippinka https://t.me/maryjanefilippinka https://dzen.ru/id/61647320b063e26ef0... (interesting articles and posts) / @maryjanefilippinka -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ???? About the channel: ???? My name is Mary Jane, I'm from the Philippines and I speak a little Russian, I married a Russian. I started this channel to force myself to practice Russian. Here you can watch videos about how I practice Russian, and how I, a Filipina, a mother of many children, live in Russia. This is my personal project, if you want to help me - subscribe to the channel, like and share with friends. The larger the audience, the more motivation I have to improve! :-)