📌 Make an appointment or consultation https://ngc.clinic/our-services ❗ Clinic promotions https://ngc.clinic/offers Register for the Open Day to meet the doctors and the clinic: https://ngc.clinic/clinic/meropriyati... 🔥 Training course https://ngc.clinic/clinic/events at the clinic. Educational programs for obstetricians and gynecologists, reproductive specialists and embryologists, as well as individual training for oncologists. OUR PRIORITY IS THE FINAL RESULT - THE BIRTH OF A HEALTHY CHILD —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- Today, IVF is a procedure that is available to any couple facing infertility. However, there are still a lot of myths, fears and controversies around it. Olena and her son Alexey are happy patients of reproductive specialist Marina Viktorovna Romanova. They came to the clinic to thank the doctor, tell about their path to long-awaited parenthood and show that IVF is not scary. Marina Viktorovna's professional approach was decisive in Olena's choice of clinic and doctor. Here she was told in detail how the IVF procedure would be carried out and helped to dispel all doubts. In the future, Olena plans to come to NGC again to become a mother of a second baby! —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- —-- ❗ Friends, rate the video with a like👍 Leave your opinion in the comments🔻 🔻 Watch other interesting videos on our channel🔻 ⏯ • ICSI procedure. Fertilization method ... ⏯ • I AM AN EGG DONOR. Fear of hormonal... ⏯ • IVF with donor egg. How much ... ✅ Subscribe to the channel / @ngc7500 click the bell🔔 so as not to miss🔊 new videos! ANY QUESTIONS LEFT ❓ WE WILL BE HAPPY TO ANSWER YOU ❗ 📲WhatsApp https://wa.me/79291194255 📞 Phone: +7 (812) 775 55 55 St. Petersburg, Petrovsky Prospekt 2, building 3. Sportivnaya metro station Working hours: Mon-Sat: 8:30 - 20:30 Sun: 10:00 - 17:00 📌NCC Reproduction and Genetics Clinic on social media🔻 Telegram: https://t.me/ngcspb VK: https://vk.com/ngclinic Website: https://ngc.clinic Phone: +7 (812) 775 55 55 #reproductionandgeneticsclinic #reproductionclinic #infertilitytreatment #ngc #ivf #pregnancy #ivfsuccessstory