People quickly lose themselves in the madness of self-optimization. They squeeze themselves like a lemon - true to the motto: higher, faster, further. According to Boris Grundl, we take far too little time for our own intellectual development. Our world is becoming more and more complex and multi-layered - but mentally speaking, we are "standing still". As a result, we lose clarity and miss the moment when we have to fundamentally change our way of thinking. Make your mental leap now! Boris Grundl tells you how to do this in an interview. ❗️[FREE] Learn concrete business coaching tools & methods to get to the next level professionally: https://greator.link/BCW-YouTube Register NOW for free! Boris Grundl is one of the most successful trainers in the field of leadership. His conviction: "Higher, faster, further" has had its day and it is time for "more flexible, clearer, deeper" - because this is the only way to promote mental growth. In a moving interview, he explains that successful leaders must help to steer the perspective towards meaningfulness and empower people to take responsibility. This is the only way you as a leader can achieve results and expand your sphere of influence. "Mental adaptability lags behind the tools that we are constantly developing." In this interview, Boris Grundl tells you how you can avoid this and what role mental health and mindset play. ------------------------------------------------ Take the free Greator personality test NOW to recognize your personal strengths and finally be understood by others: https://greator.link/YT-PersonalityTest ???????? ----------------------------------------------- We are Greator - your platform for coaching and personal development! We provide you with valuable impulses with which you can create a fulfilling and successful life yourself. Become the best version of yourself with us: It's in you! Our company name Greator is made up of the English words "greatness" and "creator". Because that is exactly what we want to achieve: With Greator you become the creator of your own great life. We provide you with valuable ideas and unique coaching offers with which we support you on your path to self-realization. Our vision is to empower as many people as possible to take control of their lives, pursue their goals and become the best version of themselves. ----------------------------------------------- Did you know? We are also available on YouTube and as a podcast! ➡️ On YouTube: https://greator.link/G-YouTube ➡️ On Spotify: https://greator.link/G-SpotifyYT ➡️ Apple Podcasts: https://greator.link/G-iTunesYT You don't want to miss anything? You can find us on ... ➡️ Instagram: https://greator.link/G-InstagramYT ➡️ Facebook: https://greator.link/G-FacebookYT ------------------------------------------------ You can also find numerous articles on the subject of personal development and coaching in our Greator magazine: https://greator.link/YT-Magazin