????✍️ SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: https://www.plintzdesign.com/atividad... PRINTABLE GAMES: https://hotm.art/TarefinhasLudicas In this video, we present an efficient and easy technique for solving subtractions with zero in the minuend. We show four examples of subtraction with zero and show you how to solve each one by ungrouping (borrowing) digits from the tens and hundreds. At the end of the video, we propose a challenge for you to test your knowledge. If you liked the video, share it using the share button or use the link below to recommend it to your students. Never download the video and repost it on your channel. YouTube has strict rules regarding copyright. Link to the video: • SUBTRACTION WITH ZERO: HOW TO SOLVE ... This content is indicated for Elementary School and Youth and Adult Education (EJA), and is aligned with the BNCC guidelines. (EF04MA03) Solve and develop problems with natural numbers involving addition and subtraction, using different strategies, such as calculation, mental calculation and algorithms, in addition to making estimates of the result.