In the ninth episode of Subsoil, we celebrate Leonardo da Vinci's 72nd birthday. In conversation with journalist Leonardo Cazes, bookseller and publisher Daniel Louzada discusses the history of Brazil's oldest independent bookstore, recalls the challenges faced in recent years and talks about the choice to consolidate Da Vinci as an independent and critical cultural center. LISTEN IN FULL https://linktr.ee/podcastsubsolo In addition to the forms available on YouTube, if you can, send your support (of any amount) via pix to help maintain and improve our podcast. Your support is essential to our work. Pix key: [email protected] On the website https://www.leonardodavinci.com.br 10% discount coupon: SUBSOLO Guest book https://www.leonardodavinci.com.br/li... Production Livraria Leonardo da Vinci Desenredo Produções MD Press