Picture this: a high-tech submarine was sent under thick Antarctic ice to explore the mysterious world below. As it sailed through the icy waters, it came across strange, unidentified objects that left scientists scratching their heads. Before anyone could figure out what these strange things were, the submarine suddenly disappeared without a trace! No signals, no debris, and no clues as to what happened. Some believe it may have been crushed by the ice, while others think the mysterious objects might not have been what they seemed. #ww2 #submarineyurydolgoruky #submarinevladimirmonomakh #submarineprincevladimir #submarinealexandrnevsky #submarineprinceoleg #northernfleet #documentary #submarine #kursk #science Animation created for Adme. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music: Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Subscribe to AdMe: http://goo.gl/DgUonf ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stock materials (photos, videos and others): https://www.depositphotos.com https://www.shutterstock.com https://www.eastnews.ru ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More cool articles and videos on http://adme.ru/