How do you become a police officer? If you want to become a police inspector, for example, i.e. a senior officer, you need to study at a police academy. Levin is 21 years old and has been studying for two years on the dual course of study “Police Service” at the University of Police and Public Administration (HSPV for short) in Dortmund. After successfully completing an entrance test for the police, you first go to the university to learn all the theory. Subjects include criminology, criminal law, constitutional law and traffic law, but subjects such as psychology, ethics and sociology are also taught. The course at the HSPV in NRW is structured as a dual course of study: on the one hand theory, on the other practical training phases (training and practical work with the police). The good thing: after successfully completing the entrance test, you are already “probably a civil servant” and even get a salary during your studies. In return, all courses are compulsory. Study time is service time. Levin also did an internship after eight months of theory at the police academy in NRW. At the Dortmund Mitte police station, he was immediately part of the patrol and security service. During one of his first major operations in a patrol car, the officers were called to a suspected disturbance at the Dortmunder U. Actually, it wasn't an unusual incident - except that during this operation Levin was thrown with a glass bottle that just missed his head. #alphaUni #police #policecollege #policeofficer #policenrw #policestudy We have summarized more information about the course content and career opportunities for you here: https://ardalpha.de/s/5eWv1V3 Author: Sebastian Leidecker Camera: Stefan Kruse, Jan Albrecht Editing: Sebastian Eicher CvD: Lukas Hellbrügge Channel Management: Marinus Zängerl Project Management: Lennart Bedford-Strohm Editor: Corinna Benning ---------------------------------- What is it like to study law? How does starting a career as a psychologist go? With us you get real insights into studies and careers. Honest and direct, from those who should know! ---------------------------------- alpha Uni is a format from the editorial team Wissen & Bildung aktuell of the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation. ► More from us: https://www.ardalpha.de/alpha-uni/ind... ► Imprint: https://www.br.de/unternehmen/service... ---------------------------------- Our alpha Uni community rules apply in the comments: https://www.br.de/service/kommentare-...