https://www.ew.uni-hamburg.de/de.html https://www.uni-hamburg.de/ Lecture by Prof. Dr. Telse Iwers This lecture will introduce two different courses of study in which educational science is of central importance: teaching and educational and educational science. First, it will be explained what educational science is, which topics this discipline deals with and what importance it has in teaching courses. The courses will then be described. In teaching, we differentiate between primary and secondary school teaching, high school teaching, special education and teaching at vocational schools. The first two courses in particular will be outlined, possible subject combinations will be discussed and the practical part of the courses will be explained. In the educational and educational science course, content-related focal points are only chosen during the course of the course. These options will also be described. Prof. Dr. Telse Iwers is a professor at the Faculty of Educational Science at the University of Hamburg.