Hello~ I'm back with my first video of the new year. I'm going to start the new year with a video explaining the American nursing school process that many of you have been asking about. I think there are quite a few people preparing for nursing school, so I prepared this. Of course, it will be better on Google or on the school site you are applying to, so if my long explanation makes your head feel more complicated, I recommend you look it up. Thank you~ 00:00 Studying nursing in the US American nursing school story video opening 00:43 Differences between ADN and BSN courses at US community colleges 03:51 How to graduate with a bachelor's degree from a technical college 05:12 Differences between LPN nurses and RN nurses 11:32 Differences in tuition between US community colleges and state university nursing schools 15:03 Summary of US nursing school courses (CNA, LPN, RN, ADN, BSN) Music: Play It Sam Musician: Philip E Morris Music: SUITE ROOM Musician: Guitar_Obsession Site: https://pixabay.com/music/suite-room-... Music: Let's Celebrate Musician: Music_Unlimited Site: https://pixabay.com/music/letx27s-cel... #StudyingNursingInTheUS #USCommunityCollegeNursing #USADNandBSN #USLPNandRN #USImmigrantNurses #USHospitalEmployment #Getting into nursing school in the US #Central US nursing school #Studying in the US #US school course #US #US immigration #US permanent residency #US employment vlog