What is it like to study business administration? Selina knows that. She is in her 3rd semester of her Master's degree at the Technical University of Munich. But that's not all: In addition to her studies, Selina and a friend have founded their own company - "Farbe", an NFT platform that makes it possible to buy and sell works of art digitally. But can this company launch as planned? Selina and her team have an important appointment with a lawyer. This will determine whether the planned purchase function on the website is legally possible. What general conditions must be right for this? Have they thought of everything? The start-up takes up a large part of Selina's student life. But without her studies, it would probably never have happened. This is where Selina first found out which path she wanted to take. She met her co-founder Pablo on a scholarship from UnternehmerTUM. Here, students are encouraged to implement their ideas and supported to start up as founders. In addition to exams and theoretical basics, one thing is particularly important for Selina in her business studies: doing lots of internships and trying out different areas. And with such a mass course of study, what is also important is perseverance, ambition and the courage to stand out from others. #alphaUni #BWL #StartUp #TUMBWL We have summarized more information about the business studies course, the job opportunities and admission requirements for you here: https://www.ardalpha.de/s/5WL49or Author: Julia Brestrich Camera: Florian Eckl, Tobias Henkenhaf Editing: Julia Brestrich, Christoph Hölzl CvD: Tobias Henkenhaf Channel Management: Marinus Zängerl Project Management: Lennart Bedford-Strohm Editor: Corinna Benning ---------------------------------- What is it like to study law? How does starting a career as a psychologist work? With us you get real insights into studies and careers. Honest and direct, from those who should know! ---------------------------------- alpha Uni is a format from the Wissen & Bildung aktuell editorial team of Bayerischer Rundfunk. ► More from us: https://www.ardalpha.de/alpha-uni/ind... ► Imprint: https://www.br.de/unternehmen/service... ---------------------------------- Our alpha Uni community rules apply in the comments: https://www.br.de/service/kommentare-...