• Study in France for free: find out all about the free alternating master's degree in France. #mastersdegreeinfrance #studyinginfrance #mastersdegreealternation ► Websites mentioned: ???? Applications open for those in Brazil (until January 31st): https://www.bresil.campusfrance.org/c... ???? Complete guide for candidates: https://www.bresil.campusfrance.org/s... ???? Find a master's degree in English in France: https://taughtie.campusfrance.org/tie... ???? Find a master's degree in French while already in France: https://www.trouvermonmaster.gouv.fr/ https://labonnealternance.pole-emploi... https://www.alternance.fr/ https://www.hellowork.com/fr-fr/alter... ???? Need individual consulting? Schedule an appointment on my calendar: https://hotmart.com/pt-br/marketplace... ✵ Important moments of this video: 00:00 Introduction 00:52 What is an alternating master's degree in France? 02:36 The advantages of taking an alternating master's degree in France 07:46 How to apply from Brazil 10:40 When to apply? 11:17 Applying from France 12:55 Company and university contract 13:55 Websites to find courses 15:24 Websites to find jobs 17:11 Interview with companies 19:11 Finding courses in English 20:32 Understand the study levels: bac+4