Student Life Simulation - Watch Before Choosing a University! Do you have crazy questions in your mind about what university life will be like? This series is just for you! With the Student Life Simulation, we examine the cities and universities you are considering choosing from all aspects: • How much are the rents? • Dormitories or houses? Which is more advantageous? • Food and beverage prices and student-friendly venues in the city, • Where are the parties, entertainment and social events? • How is the university campus? What are the social opportunities? This series both answers the questions in your mind before the preference period and helps you prepare for student life. ???? Where should the next city be? Write in the comments! If you want us to film your own student life, you can apply from [Application Form Link]. Student clubs that say “Come to our university!” can reach us at [email protected]. ???? Don't forget to like the video, comment and subscribe to the channel! ???? In this video, we talked about the most curious things: rental house prices, dormitory opportunities, student budget, food prices, social life and entertainment venues. Student Life Application Link: https://forms.gle/UX17DXisyUfwZYqv6 Ali Celil Social Media Accounts ⬇ / alicelil10 / @aliceliltube Enjoy watching! You can visit our website to be in our videos or for your requests: https://www.kafalarmedya.net/