The wind picked up a lot this Thursday, which helped to keep the temperature quite mild. The sun barely appeared. Check it out! Location: Salgado Filho Airport, BR-116, São João neighborhood, Sertório Avenue, Santa Maria Goretti, Passo d'Areia and Jardim Europa neighborhoods Device: Samsung M54 5G GENERAL DONATIONS FOR RIO GRANDE DO SUL State Civil Defense Logistics Center: Avenida Joaquim Porto Villanova, 101, Jardim Carvalho neighborhood, in Porto Alegre. Phone: (51) 3210 4255. Opening hours: 8:30am to 5pm (Mon to Fri) More details: https://sosenchentes.rs.gov.br/doacoe.... ---------- PIX: [email protected] ---------- Weather station: https://www.wunderground.com/weather/... Facebook: / observadordotempo1 Instagram: / X (old Twitter): / diriodotempo2