On August 21, 2024, at around 11:05 a.m., a very strong frontal thunderstorm with an average speed of 38 km/h moved in from the west-northwest and formed around 11:00 a.m. The focus of the thunderstorm was 2 km to the southeast, and it reached its peak at around 11:15 a.m. The maximum rainfall intensity was 80 mm/h, and the absolute rainfall maximum was 102 mm/h. A total of 4 mm of rainfall fell within 25 minutes. There was no hail up to 0 cm in size. The wind gusts reached speeds of up to 40 km/h, and the maximum wind gust up to 52 km/h. Lightning activity was moderate, with around 52 flashes within 10 minutes. A total of 132 flashes were recorded, the strongest of which was a cloud flash with a lightning intensity of -33 kA, i.e. a strong bang. The storm was classified as a single cell and identified as a single complex. No damage was recorded. The heavy downpour was noticeable. At around 11:30 a.m. the storm moved to the east-southeast. The storm received an overall rating of 82 points and is therefore classified as very strong. 00:00 Intro 00:05 Time lapse 00:37 Heavy rain cell developing 01:58 Cell initially grazes the north 02:51 Wind rising + rain starting 05:05 Sudden heavy rain 06:45 Heavy downpour 08:24 Heavy rain easing 09:26 Storm cell moving away