Kuhahaha! The first additional character of Year 2, "Vega", will return to "Street Fighter 6" on June 26th! ? He will participate in three modes in "SF6": "Fighting Ground", "World Tour", and "Battle Hub"! "Vega" conquers the ground with a battle style that suppresses the opponent's movements by making full use of psychic power. What does the man who once dreamed of world domination seek now...? "Vega" will be released for those who own the "Year 2 Character Pass" and "Year 2 Ultimate Pass". The lineup of additional characters in Year 2, including "Vega", is here. Summer 2024: "Vega" Autumn 2024: "Terry" Winter 2025: "Mai" Spring 2025: "Elena" ■Purchase here https://www.streetfighter.com/6/ja-jp... ◢◤◢◤ "Street Fighter 6" is now on sale! ◢◤◢◤ ■Game linked service "Buckler's Boot Camp (BBC)" https://www.streetfighter.com/6/buckler ■Official website https://www.streetfighter.com/6/ #StreetFighter6 #StreetFighter6 #Capcom #StreetFighter #SF6 #SF6 #Vega