If you live in Curitiba or are visiting the city, take note of this tip for a different tour and try visiting Morro da Palha and Lagoa Azul, as well as the delicious food at the Pedra Chata restaurant, which are located in the city of Campo Magro, in the metropolitan region of the capital of Paraná. These places are well-known among people who enjoy off-road trails, who don't mind getting their cars stuck in the mud and, of course, who have vehicles suitable for this type of trip. But what few people know is that even if you don't have a 4x4 car, you can still visit these places! There is a dirt road suitable for passenger cars to get to Morro da Palha and Lagoa Azul. Many families leave Curitiba early in the morning, with children and even pets, visit these places and take the opportunity to have lunch at one of the restaurants on Estrada do Ouro (the road that must be taken to get to the region). Business contact of the channel ???????? [email protected] Follow me on Kwai ???? https://s.kw.ai/u/a7cBBygh Instagram:???????? @diariodebordodeumcaminhoneiro Community on Facebook:???????? / diariodebordodeumcaminhoneiro Professional Truck Driver Group ???????? https://www.facebook.com/groups/32931... Facebook profile:???????? / celular2217