This video can be seen and heard in full on VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/107663901 How to live better? Take refuge in self-help or change the world? Where should we direct our demands? Rebellions without a plan and without a strategy end up diluting themselves. What is a strategy? The need for a prolonged strategy and radical social changes. Che Guevara as a symbol of universal rebellion: his political strategy, Marxism. Marx: a 21st century thinker. To develop a strategy, there is nothing more practical than a good theory. What is the Marxist theory of revolution? What is its political theory and strategy? Tactics, strategies, analysis of historical situations, conjuncture and correlation of forces. Other people's projects and our own strategy: political class independence and theory of hegemony. "Micro" and only institutional reforms or fundamental, radical and global changes? Changing something so that everything stays the same? Bourgeois Leopardism or Socialist Revolution. Two distinct and alternative projects: institutional reforms and modernization from above or social and political changes from below. Marx and revolutions: the strategy of the working class and the Commune. Role of bureaucracy and the State. Latin American revolutions and emancipations: from Haiti (1804) onwards: amalgamated national and social struggles. Can socialism be built in the 21st century by being “friends with everyone” and without anyone getting angry, without social clashes between classes? Strategies and political thought in Lenin: philosophy of praxis and theory of hegemony. Class struggles, social forces, popular power and political initiative. Lenin reading Marx: rebellions, uprisings, insurrections and popular protests. Combination of all forms of struggle, from legal ones to guerrilla warfare and other clandestine forms. Electoral participation: it depends on each historical moment and the balance of forces. Antonio Gramsci and the legacy of Machiavelli: hegemony as a combination of consensus and coercion. The Gramsci of the postmoderns and social democrats: Mother Teresa of Calcutta? Gramsci as a revolutionary militant, critic of reformism. Marxism as a theory of rebellion and revolution. Strategy in the 21st century: Socialist revolution or caricature of revolution. The video is also on Vimeo. If you mute it on YouTube, you can see it in full on VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/107663901 MEMORIA DEL FUTURO project by BRANCALEONE FILMS. Chair “From Marx’s social theory to Latin American critical theory” (Sociology, University of Buenos Aires -UBA): www.cipec.nuevaradio.org and Che Guevara Chair: www.amauta.lahaine.org