#TeatruRadiofonic #MaximGorki #OameniCiudati #TeatruAudio #TeatruVechi #TeatruOnline #MariActoriRomani Please support us to continue this project and to listen to new recordings that you can't find on youtube with the great Romanian actors on / theater Stai! You stay with me. how cute you are Let me tell you something! Maybe someone will see us. Aren't you afraid? Right in front of your house? i feel good God, what do I see? Constantin with Olga, here in the pine forest, in front of the house! He holds her hand. And Elena is taken to the Medvedev family. What darkness, let me not lose sight of them. Now I can make them out well; they entered the battle of the moon! Cast: Gina Petrini, Constantin Codrescu, Cella Dima, Ştefan Ciobotăraşu, Boris Ciornei, Leopoldina Bălănuță, Colea Răutu, Victor Rebengiu