Strange - Documentary about Neşet Ertaş Directed by Can Dündar, this documentary, which gathers the life of Neşet Ertaş under three main titles as ''A Separation'', ''A Poverty'', ''A Death'', tells what happened to this master of the saz and words from Anatolia on the road. Director Can Dündar Prepared by Hacı Mehmet Duranoğlu Consultant Bayram Bilge Tokel Camera Candan Murat Özcan Production Coordination Dilek Dündar Nazan Gezer Editing Ayhan Demir Production Team Mustafa Sütçü Doğan Türker Archive Kalan Music Archive Bayram Bilge Tokel Archive Neşet Ertaş Archive Production Hasan Saltık - Kalan Music