On November 7, 2021, there was a storm surge on the North Sea coast thanks to a stormy northwest wind. Thanks to a new moon and a spring tide, the flood was supposed to occur 1.60 meters above the mean high tide. I (Jascha) documented the entire storm surge and edited it together as a short film. Enjoy the pictures! - ADVERTISING - Camera https://amzn.to/3CaaC8o Memory cards https://amzn.to/3WDwIIw Lens https://amzn.to/3vu8aG8 WEATHER SITES https://www.estofex.org/ https://kachelmannwetter.com/de https://www.wetteronline.de/ https://home.pivotalweather.com/ https://www.unwetterzentrale.de/uwz/ https://www.wetter3.de/