TRAINING IN PROFESSIONAL TULIP FORCING. In a few days, our preparation for the forcing season with live video lessons will start. As you may have noticed, our channel #LUKOGON has already released several useful videos teaching how to properly force tulips from the moment you just received our selected bulb. In our closed Instagram profile: TRAINING / vselucovicy.ru, we will continue to tell and show in detail the basics of forcing technology with step-by-step instructions live. We will share with you important nuances and secrets so that you do not make mistakes during forcing and can achieve a 95% result at the end! You will be able to ask your questions live, which we will answer in detail.⠀ ⠀ For our partners/buyers/customers, access to video training is free. Whoever wants to join and become our partner in the future, the deposit for purchasing bulbs from us is 100€.⠀ Welcome to our team!⠀ ⠀ ⠀ For more detailed information, please call us:⠀ +7 (965) 126-89-79 Nikolay Dudarov⠀ [email protected]⠀