In a brand new edition of the podcast Ness, historian Hans Olav Lahlum, and Jørgen Gilbrant and Steinar Suvatne, authors of the best-selling book The Party, give you all about the ongoing power struggle in the Labour Party. – Jonas Gahr Støre believes he has much greater support than he does, says Jørgen Gilbrant. Historian Hans Olav Lahlum points out that a sitting prime minister from the Labour Party has been challenged four times before, but he believes that the whole process could drag on until the national convention in April. According to Suvatne and Gilbrant, there is a large circle of leading elected officials who have long worked to replace Jonas Gahr Støre with Tonje Brenna. The plan was to get Støre to resign, but then everything was leaked too early. – But if they think it is smart to replace Jonas Gahr Støre with the young and relatively inexperienced Tonje Brenna, then many in the Labor Party must be sick of Støre in many areas at the same time, asks Ness. You will get the answers in the podcast. Anyway: Now the power struggle is underway. Listen to what Hans Olav Lahlum, a historian who has written biographies of, among others, Haakon Lie and Reiulf Steen, and the Party authors Jørgen Gilbrant and Steinar Suvatne come to. – The last sentence in our book turns out to be correct: The Labor Party is a power struggle, says Jørgen Gilbrant. Don't forget to like and follow iNyheter on YouTube. The podcast is also available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and X.