Be careful: it was a long and fierce fight! Both storks suffered bleeding wounds. The main stork (Nico) on the right, ringed, returned today. Another male had occupied the nest since February 15, 2024, together with a female stork, and did not want to give it up. That's nature, everyone fights for their place and the stronger wins. Here is a short version of the fight, with relaxing scenes at the end. ???? For anyone who would rather not watch the whole fight, I recommend this video - • Storchennest Hungen - Nico conquers his... The video of the arrival of the stork couple on February 15, 2024 - • Storchennest Hungen - Arrival of storks... Storchennest Hungen channel: https://www.youtube.com/@rr-metalldes... Hungen, February 23, 2024