Why are you stagnating? Why aren't things really moving forward? Why are you just not making any progress with the person you love? All really good questions... and the answers are in this plain text video today. Do you finally want to make progress - arrive, feel and live free, powerful and wonderful? Then take a close look and stay tuned...!!! With all my love, your Helga * * * * The next Soul Essence Masterclass will take place on June 14th, 2024... - so that you can complete your journey to yourself faster and easier! If you would like to know and experience: ...how you can go through and take the journey with your twin soul / soul mate well...or how you can finally end it in peace, if that is what you want to do now. Or you want to work on ensuring that you can make further progress and find each other as a soul mate couple...! ...if you want to recognize and sustainably change yourself, your journey into your true spiritual being - your reactions, injuries, fears, negative structures, belief patterns and you also want to learn to recognize and understand your twin soul better... then join me for my latest intensive support tool, the Soul Essence Masterclass. Are you looking for a deeper understanding of your twin soul and, above all, of yourself? Do you want to understand why certain behaviors of your twin soul hurt you and why you often feel lonely and alone on this demanding path? Do you want to know why the person you love behaves the way he/she does at the moment? What is behind it - what can you recognize and learn for yourself. Why does it hurt so much and does it have to hurt so much? So many questions that concern you and that keep coming up for me in my daily coaching work and to which I am very happy to give you clear, unambiguous and goal-oriented answers. Do you want to achieve more in life, realize your goals and wishes - not just dream about them, but also experience them? You can join this ongoing master class training at any time and benefit from my knowledge, skills and group energy. I will explain and show you how you can strengthen your creative power, self-love, self-worth, self-confidence and basic trust in order to finally leave the suffering behind you and become and remain happier and more loving. Meditations, energy exercises, channelings, answers to your questions, current time quality topics, being in the now - creating from the now - intensifying and strengthening telepathy and your intuition, strengthening and living self-worth, self-love and self-confidence. PROMOTION: until May 31, 2024 you have the opportunity to take part for the first month at the special price of EUR 33.00 and you can also secure the next 3 months at the special price..... for more information see the booking link below. If you have any questions or would like more information, please send me an email or contact me via Whatsapp, Telegram Info: https://dualseelen-liebe.com/produkt/... ********************************************************************************************** Come to my Telegram group - ARRIVE AT YOURSELF - Recharge your Love Energy Invitation link: https://t.me/+F6g6nPqUuAAPjLoY and my new Telegram channel Link: https://t.me/love_energy_kanal *** or also my Whatsapp group !!!! ARRIVE AT YOURSELF !!!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/F0iqYmocO9f... You are cordially invited to join in and exchange ideas with others! * * If you would like to support me and my free video coaching on YouTube, I would be very happy. https://www.paypal.me/helgarauchschindel * * Relationship coaching, media advice, card reading, energy work, systemic work, loving support and accompaniment on your soul mate's development path If you would like to support me and my free video coaching on YouTube, I would be very happy. https://www.paypal.me/helgarauchschindel * * Relationship coaching, media advice, card reading, energy work, systemic work, loving support and accompaniment on your soul mate's development path, your creative power path - and your recognition of who you really are. https://www.helga-rauchschindel.com - my 2nd homepage https://www.dualseelen-liebe.com/kontakt - if you want to contact me. / myhrama You can also find me on Instagram at @bewusstes_erwachtes_sein I look forward to your comments and questions. your Helga #seelenpartner #Dualseele #bewusstsein