STOP BEING POOR! How to organize your finances and save money Many people ask me what the formula is to become RICH. And for those who follow my channel, you know that I always talk about the 6 pillars that will lead you to Financial Freedom, and the first of them is mindset, and when I talk about mindset, I'm talking about many things, obviously about your way of thinking. But of course, just thinking doesn't bring results, you need to act, and one of the main actions to start changing your mindset is to know how much you earn and how much you spend. You must be tired of hearing about financial spreadsheets, personal expense control, that you should save money and many other tips. But what I want to know is what you are putting into practice! In this video, I will tell you simple actions that you can take every day to organize your finances and save money. Are you curious? Come with me and share with other people. .. .. #benzruel #bensincero #comoserrico Subscribe to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/benzruel?su... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▼Follow Ben Zruel on Social Media ▼ • Official Website » http://benzruel.com.br • Telegram » http://benzruel.com.br/telegram • https://www.youtube.com/c/benzruel?su... ???? Subscribe to the Channel ????A production: NPD Marketing Digital Website: https://www.npddesign.com.br/ Instagram: / npdmkt YouTube: @npddesign ..