This time, a road bike ride through the Stobrawski Landscape Park, beautiful golden autumn and the magic of the forest intertwined with a ride through beautiful river valleys, Brynica, Budkowiczanka, Stobrawa, Prądzenica, Mała Panew, Jemielnica.... Asphalt roads of 3-4 categories with little car traffic, the entire route is mega safe, even when the wind is blowing, the vast majority of the trip is in the shelter of the forest.... On the entire route, several shops are open even on Sundays, e.g. in Budkowice, Murów, Brynica, Surowina... A great attraction of the trip is the alley of mighty English Oaks in the vicinity of Kolonia Piecowa- Nowa Bogacica... e.g. in the town of Bukowo there is a beautiful shelter above which you can rest and enjoy the beautiful surroundings of SPK... The entire route is about 110 km from Opole, link with the track below... https://strava.app.link/5Prp7U7R4Nb