#cuarice #tomrice #mondaitiec #seafood #Chinese people's dishes Link How to cook crab noodle soup for business. • Crab Noodle Soup - Sharing Cooking Secrets ... Link introducing popular Chinese spices. • Popular spices for cooking dishes ... Address to buy XO sauce: No. 96 Chau Van Liem Street, Ward 11, District 5, right at the corner of Nguyen Trai intersection, Dieu Phat shop. Phone number: 028.3855.0236 Ingredients: 材料 500g Crab or Shrimp - 蝦或蟹500克 150g Vermicelli - 粉絲150克 30g purple onion - 紅蔥頭30克 30g garlic - 蒜頭30克30g onion - 洋蔥30克 5g ginger - 薑片5克 15g chili pepper - 紅辣椒15克 10-20g green onion - 10至20克蔥花 10g minced purple onion - 紅蔥蓉10克 10g minced garlic -蒜蓉10克 500ml bone broth or filtered water -上湯或清水500ml 1 tablespoon tapioca starch to marinate crab - 醃蟹用1湯匙生粉 Spices: 調味料 1.5 tablespoon oyster sauce -蠔油1.5 湯匙 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce -生抽半湯匙 1 teaspoon special soy sauce - 老抽1茶匙 1 teaspoon sugar - 糖1茶匙 1/8 teaspoon pepper - 胡椒粉少許 1 teaspoon chicken seasoning powder - 雞粉1茶匙 1 tablespoon XO sauce - xo醬1湯匙 1 teaspoon sticky rice wine -1 month warranty