STILL FAITHFUL OCHOL DHUT Latest Indramayu Tarlubg Song _______________________________________ _______________________________________ your comments are very useful and valuable to us We as creators would like to say many thanks to all Songwriters, Singers, Music Arrangements, Audio Mixing, and all Musicians of the Indramayu Cirebonan Tarling song and we would like to say many thanks to the Copyright Holders and Owners whose song content is covered in the video on this channel All Audio in this video content is not commercialized and is only for entertainment purposes. . . For those who do not agree and feel that the content of the song and its musical composition are in this video, please contact us to remove this video from our channel. We are only Creators and process it into audio form and help maintain the culture of regional songs, especially the Indramayu Cirebon Tarling song and republish it on Youtube. Thank you #rossaangelina #abangwillidiyepali #etydanuwarta #eryshevtiyani #niningsetianingsih #ocholdhutfullalbum #deikiranafullalbum #desyparaswatifullalbum #diananicfullalbum #anikarnikafullalbum # #dedechristinbolo #nininglivina #seliyamarsella #liezdenok #kajidino #riniasandy #ratugisca #roniroju80 #yulialexa #adamanggoro #ayusriwijayamudaayugrup #ityashella #lidyaputri #aminhermawan #noknengofficial #nininglivina #septianadiofficial #ajengsekarkirana #epicirebon #yayangwk #sitisugiarti #single2024 #adellya #yatilarasati #ocholdhut #wakancil #abangwillidiyepali #wiwinmbokpengek #arumzee #promusmedialive #besttarling #latestcirebonantarlingsongs #collectionofcirebonantarlingsongs2024 #ocholdhut #dewikirana #desyparaswatiofficial #dederisty #diananic #anikarnika #susyarzet