Still Loyal to the Beautiful Vocals of Waty Manuk Dangdut Manik Maya Live Malang Semirang Jatibarang Indramayu Celebration: Mr. Cito (Vegetable Education) & Mrs. Triyani Rasulan: KEYLA SEPTIANI DEWI Address: Malang Semirang Village, Kulon Block RT/Rw 06/02 Jatibarang District, Indramayu Regency Entertainment Parade Manuk Dangdut MANIK MAYA (Sing Duwe Buta Kopek) Located in Malang Semirang Village, Karang Block, Malang, Jatibarang District, Indramayu Regency This channel contains about the customs, culture and unique arts of Ciayumajakuning, including the areas of Cirebon, Indramayu, Majalengka & Kuningan, especially in the West Java region. Because this channel will promote the culture in West Java, guys & don't forget to subscribe, like, comment and share ???? Facebook: / sartonoindrajaya91 TikTok: / sartonoindrajaya91 Don't forget to follow my social media, guys ..???????? #ManikMaya #SingaDepok #indahwaty #masihloyal